What's new in priPrinter 5.0
- This version brings many PDF improvements, including AES-256 PDF
encryption, signatures and speed-ups.
* Each PDF can be signed by visible or invisible signature fully automatically. User can attach signature to any watermark. By applying such watermark PDF will be signed. Very similar to real world document signing.
* Now it is possible to save selected or active pages to PDF.
* Rectangle selection now cab be saved to .PDF - Another very big feature is Rectangle selection mode. It allows to copy and paste page content. This enables to rearrange page content by removing redundant blocks and combining significant parts.
- You can shrink two pages into one. It can be done by removing email headers, ads. and automatically shrink page content by removing empty space. See this tutorial
- At last UI is updated a bit. New non aero default UI is shown on screenshot above (Of course this is an option).
New Features in detail:
- Rectangle Selection mode. This mode allows:
- Copy/Cut and Paste. Copy and paste page contents.
- Move selection.
- Save selection to PDF
- Combine Pages
- Reflow Content
- Shrink Page
- Contextual tabs for Booklet and Poster modes.
- Roman numerals in watermarks. For instance you can print page numbers in roman way. E.g. I, I, II, IV, V
- Auto bookmarks creation. Optional bookmarks tab is.
- Save Page to PDF command.
- PDF signatures (PRO)
- PDF publishing should be faster for files with vector graphics.
- PDF AES-256 Encryption (PRO)
- It is now possible to define custom page size for PDF output. Implemented via virtual printer in printers list. It's only an item in the list of printers. No additional printers are installed.
- Server Stop/Start button
- Page rotation by 180 deg.
- Few keyboard shortcuts.
- New XP or non Aero look. Very similar ton Windows 8. This mode is On by default.
- Few UI tweaks related to Windows 8.
- Multiline text watermarks now can be alignment left, right or center.
- "Auto save each print-out to a file" option.
- View list of printed jobs.
- Save and Load process now can be cancelled.
- Many minor fixes and changes.