Script Reference : Rect

A Rect object stores the upper-left and lower-right corners of a rectangle. This is just a cordinates of rectange, there is no relation to content on the page.

Data Members
Name Type Description
left float Specifies the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.
top float Specifies the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.
right float Specifies the x-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle.
bottom float Specifies the y-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle.


Name Description
Rect::Rect() Creates a Rect object whose left,top,bottom,right coordinates are all zero. This is the default constructor.
Rect::Rect(Rect) Creates a new Rect object and copies the data members from another Rect object.
Rect::Rect(Point leftTop, Point rigthBottom) Creates a new Rect object using left top and right bottom coordinates.
Rect::Rect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) Creates a new Rect object using left, top, bottom, right coordinates.


Name Return Type Description
bool Contains(Rect)
bool Contains(Point)
bool Contains(float x,float y)
bool The Contains method determines whether another rectangle or point is inside this rectangle.
bool Intersect(Rect) bool If the intersection of the two rectangles is not empty, this method returns true; otherwise, it returns false.
void Offset(Point)
void Offset(float x,float y)
void The Offset method moves this rectangle horizontally and vertically.
void Inflate(Point)
void Inflate(float x,float y)
void The Inflate method expands the rectangle by the value of X on the left and right edges, and by the value of Y on the top and bottom edges.
Point Center() Point Returns center of this rectangle.
Point Size() Point The GetSize method gets the width and height of the rectangle.
void Normalize() void Normalizes rectangle by swapping left and right in case if left is greater than right. Same with ot top and bottom.
+= Rect
+= Point
Rect + Rect
  Operators enlarge this rectangle in case if specified area or point is outside of this rectangle.
bool IsEmpty() bool The IsEmpty method determines whether this rectangle is empty.
float Width() float Width of rectangle
float Height() float Height of rectangle



local r=Rect(0,0,100,200);
local p=Point(-1,-2);
MsgBox("Rect: "+ r.left.tostring()+", "", "+r.right.tostring()+", "+r.bottom.tostring());