Script Reference : Layout

Layout object is a print preview window. This class is accessible via global layout variable.

Data Members
Name Type Description
string Active printer
tray string Input tray.
size Point Output paper size in mm. You may change output size by changing this value. However not all sizes are supported by the real printer. Even in case if size is valid, you may need to define a form with this size in advance. See AdjustPaperSize script.
Page Layout
string Layout mode. "Standard", "Booklet", "Poster".
rows, CY int number of rows in the table
columns, CX int number of columns in the table
original bool orignial layout on/off
orientation string "Portrait", "Landscape", "Auto"
duplex bool Double sided mode on/off.
gutter bool Gutter visibility mode on/off.
gutterSize float Size of gutter in mm.
gutterPos int/string Gutter position. "left", "top", "right", "bottom","horizontal", "vertical"
gutterPrint bool Print gutter line on/off.
hwMargins bool Hardware margins on/off.
scaleMode int Source page scaling mode. 0 - unique scale, 1 - uniform scaling, 2 - custom scaling
scaleFactor float Source page scale factor. Used only when scaleMode==2
repeat bool This option is related to Repeat checkbox in Page Layout tab.
jobFromNewSheet bool This option is related to Job from New Sheet checkbox in Page Layout tab.
pagesOrder int Pages order flags. It's a bit combination of:
hSeparator float Horizontal separator in mm
vSeparator float Vertical separator in mm
hSeparatorF float Horizontal form separator in mm
vSeparatorF float Vertical form separator in mm
Color Page background color. In order to set black color, use color with non zero alpha. To remove background color set all members to 0.
pageBorders bool Show and Print page borders
grayscale bool Graysclae mode on/off
nographics bool No graphics mode on/off
blacktext bool Black text mode on/off
brightness float Brightness amount.
contrast float Contrast amount.
economode int 0 - no, 50,100 are the levels of toner/ink saving mode.
bool Start from first page
blSub bool Sub booklet mode.
blSheetsPerBooklet int Maximum number of sheets per booklet. This parameter is for sub booklet mode.
blCutUp bool Cut-Up booklets.
blCutUpPrint bool print cut lines on/off
RTL bool Right-to-Left text. This option for booklets mostly.



layout.duplex= !layout.duplex;


layout.gutter= true;//!layout.gutter;


local c=Color(0,0,0,255); // black color


Name Return Type Description
Document GetDocument() Document Retrieves main document object. Same as window.GetDocument();
Document GetDocumentF() Document Retrieves form document object.
void SelectAll(bool bSelect) - Select or unselect all paper sheets.
bool ApplyTheme(string) bool Load and apply theme file. File name could be full or short. In the last case theme should be in the theme folder.
bool SetForm(string) bool Load and apply form (letterhead) document. File name could be full or local one.
bool SetFormMode(string, ...) bool Sets form mode. Available modes are:
"bind" Second parameter - "cell", "page", "paper"
"repeat" Second pramater: "all", "no" or number
"fromStart" Second pramater: boolean value.
bool SetMargins(Rect) bool Sets margins
bool SetMarginsF(Rect) bool Sets margins related to form page.
Rect GetMargins() Rect Returns the margins.
Rect GetMarginsF() Rect Returns the form margins.
bool SetLayout(int cx,int cy) bool This one is faster than using CX, CY.
int GetNumMarkups()
int Returns the number of global markups.
Markup GetMarkup(int i) Markup Return required markup.
Markup GetMarkupById(int i) Markup Return required markup by id.
Markup CreateMarkup(string type) Markup Create empty markup. Where type is type of markup. See Markup specification fro the list of possible values.
bool DeleteMarkup(int i/ Markup) bool Delete markup. Markup can be specified by index or Markup itself.
int GetNumSheets()
int Gets the number of sheets.
Sheet GetSheet(int) Sheet Returns the specified sheet.
Sheet NewSheet([int index]) Sheet Creates new, empty sheet of paper.
bool DeleteSheet(int index) bool Deletes specified paper sheet.
void Clear()   Deletes all paper sheets. This method is useful for implementing very custom page layouts. Please note that changes of other layout options could case layout recreation with default settings.
bool Print([Optional Table])
bool Prints document to currently selected printer. Without extra options method is similar to clicking on "Print Now" button.

Additional options are:

bool  dialog (true or false) Force dialog on/off. When this value is not specified dialog may be displayed or not.
bool printnow Used when dialog == true.
int from Print range of pages. Used when dialog ==false. from is inclusive.
int to Print range of pages. Used when dialog ==false. to is inclusive.
bool selection Print selection only on/off.
bool skipEmpty Skip empty pages on/off.
bool reverse Reverse pages.
bool progressWnd Show progress window. It is on by default.
boll collate  
int copies number of copies
bool duplex If specified, can be set to false in order to disable duplex mode. By default - currently selected duplex mode is used.
bool invertColors Invert colors. May be used when dialog == false.
In case if dialog is omited, almost all parameters are ignored! See example
bool SaveAsPDF(string filename, [Optional Table]) bool Saves document to a PDF file. Options provided in the table will override options specified in UI. This is synchronous method, after calling, PDF is fully ready.

Additional options are:

bool  dialog (true or false) Force advanced dialog on/off.
bool url Create URL links on/off.
bool jobOutline Create bookmarks for each separate job.
float imgMaxDPI Maximum image resolution in dot per inch. -1 - no limits
float imgQuality JPEG compression level in range from 0 to 1. -1 - use lossless compression.
int pswFlags Protection flags. It can be bit combination of the following flags:
string pswView Password for opening document
string pswEdit Password for editing document
string protection available options are: none, RC4_40, RC4_128, AES_128, AES_256.
bool selection Save selected pages/papers only.
See example
[] GetTrays() array Returns array of trays in current printer. Each item is name of the tray
[] GetPrinters() array Returns arrays of printers. Each item is name of printer.


Sample 1:

if(layout.tray=="Default Tray")
	layout.tray="Manual Feed";
	layout.tray="Default Tray";

Sample 2.

local r=layout.GetMargins();



Sample: print the selection without Print dialog.

local count=layout.GetNumSheets();
for(local i=0;i<count;i++)
  local p=layout.GetSheet(i);
  p.selected= ((i&1)==0);
layout.Print({dialog=false, selection=true, skipEmpty=false});

Sample: print first page 10 times without Print dialog.

layout.Print({dialog=false, from=0,to=0, skipEmpty=false,copies=10});

Sample: print first 2 pages, 4 times. options

local options={dialog=false, from=0,to=1, skipEmpty=false,copies=4,collate=1};


layout.SaveAsPDF("c:/temp/test.pdf", {dialog=1,protection="AES_128",pswView="1234",pswEdit="1234"});
layout.SaveAsPDF("c:/temp/test.pdf", {dialog=1,protection="none",imgMaxDPI=150,imgQuality=-1});
layout.SaveAsPDF("c:/temp/test.pdf", {dialog=1,protection="RC4_40",imgMaxDPI=200,imgQuality=0.85,

Sample: setFormMode


Custom layouts: Custom floating layoutFixed layoyt with 3 pages per paper, Mixed layout


Layout maintains list of sheets and updates it automatically in order to reflect changes in layout properties or source document. So if you want to modify paper sheets or its content you should avoid actions which may drop your changes. For instance you may create additional sheets and put pages on the sheet in custom order, however after that you should not create additional pages or modify margins. Such things may rebuild paper sheets using current settings.